LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 互動華語第20期 (繁簡體版)
LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 互動華語第20期 (繁簡體版)
LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 互動華語第20期 (繁簡體版)

LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 互動華語第20期 (繁簡體版)

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Package included: 

Paperback, Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters, Pinyin, Zhuyin and English, 80 pages, 11"x8.25", 1 Audio CD/1 CD-ROM(MP3)/1 DVD

Characteristics of the Book: 本书特色:
** Simplified and Traditional Chinese ** 简繁体左右页对照学习 
** Step-by-step Curriculum ** 循序渐进的的螺旋式教材结构
** Everyday Chinese ** 基础实用的中文
** Situational Learning ** 应用情境式学习法 
** Video Lessons ** 提供真人影片学习 
** Glimpses into Chinese Culture ** 融合中华文化 
** Fully Interactive CD-ROMs ** 搭配功能丰富的互动光盘 
** Multi-stage DVD Series ** 搭配多元延伸DVD 影片 
** Chinese Proficiency Test.  ** 内含中文能力测验考试 


This volume focuses on interviews and job applications. The content of this unit will touch upon issues that motivate business people to learn Chinese. Real pictures are used to strengthen the visual aspect of learning new vocabulary. There are multiple units within this title that will enhance and aid the reader, such as Picture DictionaryEssential SentenceSentence PatternsBusiness Conversation, Situational ShortsPractical ReadingWisdom and Idioms, and more. There are pages of revision material that learners can cut out and staple together to form small handbooks that are ideal for business people who wish to learn during their free time. 

面試必備句+用中文寫履歷表及自傳 精采的商用華語內容你絕不能錯過
《Live互動華語》利用數字多媒體學習模式,內容編撰符合美國外語教學協會5C標準,循序漸進的螺旋式難易程度結構,有助於教師課堂教學。20~24期將帶領中文學習者一步一步,循序漸進,從基礎到進階,從根本到應用,輕輕鬆鬆學會商用華語。本期將告訴你,進入華人職場前,哪些是錢景最被看好的產業; 面試時必備的三組問答句:「基本問答」、「進階問答」、「敏感問答」,是在面試前不可或缺的致勝秘訣;還有教你如何用中文撰寫履歷表及自傳。


Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 - Chinese for Job Hunting 求职中文实用句

Table of content:

Hot Topics:  The Five Highest Grossing Industries 求職向錢看

Picture Dictionary:  Useful Tools in a Job Search  求職十大工具

Essential Sentences: Interview Sentences 應徵面試

Sentence Patterns: Job Applications 求職實用句

Business Conversation:  Looking for a Job應徵工作

Situational Shorts: The Challenge面試大挑戰

Practical reading: Recruitment Ad 招聘信息

Wisdom & Idioms: Tsai, Ming-Kai—He Who Can Stomach Everything 肚裡能撐船的­蔡明介

Writing Center: Writing Resumes and Profiles 撰寫簡歷表與自傳

Practice Makes Perfect:  A Great Interview 來場漂亮的面試