LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 23 互動華語第23期 (繁簡體版)
LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 23 互動華語第23期 (繁簡體版)
LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 23 互動華語第23期 (繁簡體版)

LiveABC-Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 23 互動華語第23期 (繁簡體版)

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Package included: 

Paperback, Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters, Pinyin, Zhuyin and English, 80 pages, 11"x8.25", 1 Audio CD/1 CD-ROM(MP3)/1 DVD

Characteristics of the Book: 本书特色:
** Simplified and Traditional Chinese ** 简繁体左右页对照学习 
** Step-by-step Curriculum ** 循序渐进的的螺旋式教材结构
** Everyday Chinese ** 基础实用的中文
** Situational Learning ** 应用情境式学习法 
** Video Lessons ** 提供真人影片学习 
** Glimpses into Chinese Culture ** 融合中华文化 
** Fully Interactive CD-ROMs ** 搭配功能丰富的互动光盘 
** Multi-stage DVD Series ** 搭配多元延伸DVD 影片 
** Chinese Proficiency Test.  ** 内含中文能力测验考试 



热门话题 Hot Topics
Going overseas to attend exhibitions is something all business people look forward to. Why? Exhibitions provide a great to negotiate and do business with people from all over the world. In this unit, we’ll introduce the biggest exhibitions in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Remember the details to help you make money!

实境图解 Picture Dictionary
This unit provides readers with 11 useful nouns to do with going away on business. Knowing keywords will help you in the business world.

必备句 Essential Sentences
Four essential sentences are given here for people who are going away on business. These sentences will help readers converse with confidence in any situation.

实用句型 Sentence Patterns
This unit covers the practical details of business travel, including the purpose of a trip, destination, time, and so forth. We’ll also look at how to confirm schedules.

关键会话 Business Conversation
How should you take care of things when your company sends you abroad? This unit’s content is designed for those sent abroad by their companies and includes the following: confirming an itinerary, exchanging foreign currency, and promoting products at exhibitions. Readers will learn how to confirm flights and pass through immigration.

职击现场 Situational Shorts
Jason Company’s salespeople Fang Zhizhong and Lin Meilun have to meet Director Yang from Germany at the airport. What should they say when they meet him for the first time, take him to dinner, and see the sights? How should they present themselves to make a good impression on Director Yang and his company? In this section, readers will learn sentences and grammar points to help them interact with clients.

实战阅读 Practical Reading
No matter if you are going away on business or meeting a guest, you will need an itinerary. But can you understand an itinerary in Chinese? What are things you should look out for? Have a go at this issue’s reading comprehension. See if you can get every detail and keep your plans on track!

成功名言堂 Wisdom & Idioms
You might have heard of Asia’s richest man, but do you know the secrets of his success? How did he come to control half of Hong Kong’s economy from simple beginnings? In addition, readers will see some of his sayings, learn the meanings of 处变不惊 and 山不转路转,路不转人转, and what they have to do with business.

商务写作 Writing Center
The secret to working efficiently is confirming and reconfirming information with your partners. This unit focuses on writing and replying to mail. It provides two commonly used sentences and a writing sample so that you won’t have problems working with your colleagues and clients, or asking your boss about a decision.

更上一层楼 Practice Makes Perfect
This unit focuses on grammatical mistakes that are often made when you go out on business. Follow Joey as he takes a business trip and learns from his mistakes so you won’t make them yourself. Two additional sentence structures are also included at the end of the unit: confirming the schedule of one’s client and reconfirming a schedule.

