Special Offer 特別優惠
Buy My First Chinese 1+2 and Smart Pen together for $104.00 (original $138.85)
買我的第一本汉语 1+2, 並合購點讀筆特惠組合價 $104.00 (原價 $138.85)
LivePen compatible I Audio CD
This book is specially written for English-speaking kindergartners and focuses on developing listening, reading, speaking skills. Fun activities, exercise, theme words, and useful patterns are also provided.
針對幼兒華語5-6歲初學者所設計,《我的第一本汉语 My First Chinese!》是由 Live ABC 互動英語教學集團及韓國松崗教育集團共同研發的簡體版華語學習叢書。藉由英語輔助華語學習,本書透過主題式單元設計,讓孩子們從情境中學習語言、深化記憶和理解效率。插畫呈現活潑生動,教學點淺顯易懂,是幼兒華語家庭自學或課室教學的絕佳教材選擇。
《我的第一本汉语 My First Chinese!》搭配朗讀 CD、練習本以及線上資源,多元學習工具,提供更多學習樂趣,帶領孩子體驗入門華語零負擔、趣味學。
- Vocabulary related to the topic is introduced in the illustration. 生詞
- Two patterns are introduced in two dialogues. The students then apply the vocabulary learned from the previous page to the patterns and make their own sentences. 學一學 Let’s Learn 生活情境對話,從中學習用詞和語法。
- Let’s Say 說一說
- A set of commonly used expressions are taught to immerse students in everyday situations. 讓孩子直覺掌握,現學現用。
- Let’s Sing The students learn a fun song which uses vocabulary and patterns from the lesson. 唱一唱
- Let’s Write Exercises are completed by the students to review what they have learned. 寫一寫
Package included:
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 52 pages/book, 11"x8.25".
Student Book x1, Workbook x1, Audio CD x1